Sardinia: an inspirational land

Many scholars have written a lot about the great vocation for viticulture in Sardinia. In our island, there are several geographical wine areas. Each of them is different in terms of soil, climate and grape varieties cultivated. For us, this incredible wine diversity is always an endless source of inspiration.

The Arborea and Terralba region

The soils have a modest presence of organic matter and phosphorus. Exchangeable potassium is always present. Calcium is absent. The vineyards are cultivated in a plain of basaltic origin, covered by ancient and recent flooding of the Mogoro river. The landscape is dominated by the Monte Arci (812 metres), which is famous for its obsidian fields. The vineyards are often ungrafted. The most representative red wine of the area is the Campidano di Terralba or Terralba (DOC since 1975). …

The Oristano region

Vineyards cover 4% of the agricultural area of Oristano. It is a flat region with two different kinds of soil, traditionally named Gregori and Bennaxi. Gregori has low fertility and no structure, due to the high presence of mineral colloids in a state of dispersion and low permeability. Bennaxi has good fertility. It is low in limestone and assimilable phosphorus, but rich in exchangeable potassium. Both soils are alluvial, with a superimposed top clay layer on a siliceous or sandy layer, which is the result of the millenary erosion of basalt, schist, trachyte and granite…

The Mandrolisai region

Mandrolisai is in the centre of Sardinia and it is a very suitable area for viticulture. The quality of the grapes here is really great and, therefore, the wines, too. The landscape is varied and beautiful, with plains and hills up to 500 metres above sea level. The vineyards are quite often bush trained. The soils mainly originated from decayed granite. Due to its altitude, the region’s climate is subhumid. The main wine is the red Mandrolisai DOC, which is a blend of three grape varieties: Cannonau, Monica and Bovale Sardo (better known as Muristellu)

The Planargia region

The Planargia region, located in the western area of Sardinia, has stunning landscapes and it overlooks the Mediterranean Sea. The mistral is the dominant wind, creating an ideal microclimate for its main grape variety, the white Malvasia. The name “Planargia” comes from “Planaria” since the morphology is flat as a result of large basalt flows from volcanoes in the nearby Montiferru and perhaps in Marghine. The soils are basaltic, trachytic and chalky with a low altitude up to 200 metres above sea level.

The Nuoro region

This area is really the heart of Sardinia and it is characterised by extensive plateaus separated by deep valleys. The soils, mainly granitic in the centre and basaltic on the eastern side, are generally shallow and become stony at the bottom of the valleys. The main grape variety is the red Cannonau. Cannonau DOC “Classico” can only be produced within this region.

The Ogliastra region

Located on the eastern side of Sardinia, this region is characterised by granite mountain ranges and basaltic plateaus that originate a very evocative landscape. This area is quite hilly. The soils consist of granite, shale, limestone with a salty-sandy texture, and sometimes clay. The main grape variety is Cannonau.

The Baronia region

Baronia is in the north-east of the island overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. The soils of this area come from the decomposition of granite or limestone, or in some subareas they have an alluvial origin. The texture of these soils is often loose and stony, especially in the areas near the rivers that characterise the area. The climate is temperate and the main grape variety is the Cannonau along with other minor varieties.

The Gallura region

Palaeozoic granite rocks eroded by rain and wind dominate this landscape. The sandy soils mainly originated from decayed granite, having a limited depth and little clay. The soil structure retains very little water and the soil is quite stony with quartz. The pH is acidic to subacidic with low phosphorus and sometimes with exchangeable potassium. The climate is temperate to hot, with annual rainfall never more than 800 mm. The average annual temperature is slightly below 15 degrees Celsius. The mistral wind is always present. The most important grape variety of this tricky terroir is Vermentino, which fully expresses its peculiar and elegant style. Other popular varieties are Moscato, Monica, Nebbiolo, Caricagiola and Retagliado.

The Nurra and Coros regions

Agriculture in general and wine production in particular are very important in this area. The soils are quite deep and are mostly chalky (Miocene), mixed with red soils derived from limestone and brown soils derived from trachyte. The landscape is really stunning with rounded hills, long valleys, inclined plains and whitish rocks. The Mistral wind is dominant and the climate is temperate…

The Center Basso Campidano region

This is a hilly and sunny region with a high quantity of limestone in its soils. The soil structure is loose with medium consistency. It is always rich in limestone and potassium but low in phosphorus and organic matter. In this area, the climate is temperate to hot, with an average yearly rainfall between 600 and 700 mm, which is not always evenly distributed over the year…


It spreads on the south-western part of the island, comprising the islands of San Pietro and Sant’Antioco. The territory, , from the coastline to the inland, is chracterised by gentle clayey hills, that may become quite steep, with alternace of planes of alluvial nature rich of sands (Calasetta). Here frequently grapes are planted ungrafted.
The sub-tropical climate, with low rainfalls. Carignano is the main grape varietal in this area, here it is cultivated with the classic “alberello” shape, with very low yields, shows its best expression.